Philip Kreycik

Philip Kreycik's picture
MCP/MST 2016

Philip is a third year MST/MCP student working with Jinhua and John Heywood to quantify the potential impact of various policies to reduce transportation emissions. His current work involves studying the concept of VMT saturation in certain segments of the U.S. population and what implications this phenomenon has for travel demand management strategies. He plans to work in policy after graduating, trying to shift development patterns to make cities more sustainable, healthy, and equitable.

Prior to returning to school, Philip implemented building-scale and campus-scale energy efficiency projects and ran programs promoting sustainable behavior at Harvard, for the Office for Sustainability and for the Engineering and Utilities department. While working at Harvard, he became a Certified Energy Manager and a LEED Accredited Professional. In his most recent position at Harvard, as an Energy Analyst, he focused on energy procurement, financial modeling, and data analysis. In both the energy field and in transportation, he is interested in social diffusion of attitudes and behavioral norms.

During his time at DUSP, Philip has worked for Kittelson and Associates, modeling traffic impacts of development, road diets, and transportation system improvements in California and also for the City of Boston as a Rappaport Fellow, collaborating with the engineers and planners on parking regulations and Vision Zero studies.