*Please see the full list of the students at http://mobility.mit.edu/people and full list of theses by JTL-Transit Lab at https://www.transitlab.mit.edu/theses. Below are the theses that Prof. Zhao has (co-)supervised.
Enhancing the Shared Mobility Market: Dissolving Market Segmentation and Understanding Market Friction. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. MST, | (2023).|
The Invisible Hand or the Handgun: Ride Hailing, Violence, and Political Settlements in the South African Urban Mobility Market. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. MCP/MST, | (2022).|
Examining the Post-Pandemic Role of Shared Micromobility: A Study of Travel Behavior, Policy, and Equity in Motion. Institute for Data, Systems, and Society. TPP, | (2022).|
Parking policy as a mechanism to reduce car ownership and use. Department of Urban Studies and Planning . MCP, | (2021).|
Nationwide Pedestrian Safety Analysis Using Crash and Survey Data. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. MCP, | (2021).|
Data-driven customer segmentation: Assessing disparities in COVID impact on public transit user groups and recovery. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master in City Planning, Master of Science in Transportation, | (2021).|
Exogenous drivers of public transit and ride-hailing ridership: a study of policy intervention, COVID-19, and the relationship between ride-hailing and public transit in Chicago. Department of Urban Studies and Planning and The Institute For Data, Systems, and Society. Master of Science in Transportation and Master of Science in Technology and Policy, | (2021).|
Equality of opportunity in travel behavior prediction with deep neural networks and discrete choice models. Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation, | (2021).|
Behavioral Dynamics of Public Transit Ridership in Chicago and Impacts of COVID-19. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. MST, | (2020).|
Where to Next? Analyzing Livability and Accessibility in the Later Stages of Life. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. MCP/MST, | (2020).|
Network Performance Model for Urban Rail Systems. Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. MST/EECS, | (2020).|
Identifying Commuting Behavior Segments for TDM Program Design: University Case Study. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. MCP, | (2020).|
Shared Electric Scooters and Transportation Equity: A Multivariate Spatial Regression Analysis of Environmental Factors on Revealed Travel Behavior and Mode Shift Potential. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master in City Planning, | (2019).|
Bundled Mobility Passes: A Framework for Partnership Between Public Transit and New Mobility Services. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation, | (2019).|
Future Transit Service for A Broader User Base: Demand Analysis of Hypothetical Autonomous Vehicle Mobility Services Using a Stated Preference Approach. the Department of Urban Studies and Planning and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation, | (2019).|
Factors Affecting Public Support of Transportation Policies: Using an International Survey and Hybrid Discrete Choice Modeling. Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation, | (2019).|
Travel Based Multitasking on the Mumbai Local and Metro: Measurement, Classification and Variation. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master in City Planning, | (2019).|
Data-Driven Customer Segmentation and Personalized Information Provision in Public Transit. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2018).|
Simulation-Based Design of Integrated Public Transit and Shared Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2018).|
Don’t Get Taken for a Ride! Designing and Implementing Effective Autonomous Vehicle Regulation in Toronto, Ontario. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, | (2018).|
Micro Active Network After Massive Urban Expansion. Department of Architecture. Master of Science in Architecture Studies, | (2018).|
Discrimination, Regulation, and Design in Ridehailing. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation, | (2018).|
Driving Change: How Workplace Benefits Can Nudge Solo Car Commuters Toward Sustainable Modes. Department of Urban Studies and Planning and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation, | (2018).|
Value of Information in Dispatching Shared Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems: a Simulation Framework. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2018).|
Rethinking Streets: Urban Life with Autonomous Vehicles. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of Science in Architecture Studies, | (2018).|
Measuring Travel Equity and Representativeness: Opportunities and Challenges of Using Smartphone- based Travel Survey in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of City Planning, Master of Science in Transportation, | (2017).|
Dynamic Pricing in Shared Mobility on Demand Service and its Social Impacts Master of Science in Transportation. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation , | (2017).|
Automobile Regulations in China Examined from a Behavioral Perspective. Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master in City Planning, Master of Science in Transportation, | (2017).|
Perspectives on the Ridesourcing Revolution : surveying individual attitudes toward Uber and Lyft to inform urban transportation policymaking. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, | (2016).|
Why the Chinese obey the law : case studies from transportation. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2016).|
Factors affecting the gas price elasticity of travel demand : implications for transportation emissions policy. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, | (2016).|
Urban computing using call detail records : mobility pattern mining, next-location prediction and location recommendation. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2016).|
Smartphone-based Mobility Mapping and Perceived Air Quality Evaluation in Beijing. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, Master of Science in Transportation, | (2016).|
Better, Quicker, Together: Enabling Public Transport Service Quality Co-monitoring Through a Smartphone-Based Platform. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, Master of Science in Transportation, | (2016).|
Productivity and costs in the transit sector : the impact of Baumol's cost disease. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2016).|
Exploring Urban Activity Patterns Using Electric Smart Meter Data. Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2016).|
Exploring Regularity and Structure in Travel Behavior Using Smart Card Data. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2015).|
Improving Transit Demand Management with Smart Card Data: General Framework and Applications. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2015).|
Community Involvement in Commuter Rail Improvements: The Case of the Fairmount Line in Boston. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Master in City Planning, | (2015).|
Establishing Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) on the ground : case-based analysis of implementing TOD in China. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2015).|
Redefining the Typology of Land Use in the Age of Big Data. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, | (2014).|
Chinese Gated Community: Degree of Openness and the Social Impacts. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, | (2014).|
C-IMAGE: City Cognitive Mapping through Geo-tagged Photos. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, | (2014).|
Crowdsourcing In Community Participatory Planning in China: Case Studies in Four Communities in Shenzhen. Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, | (2014).|
Towards Nudging Active Travel: Behavioral Interventions Using Mobile Technology. School of Community and Regional Planning. Master of Science, | (2013).|
Prestige on Wheels: A Qualitative Study of Middle Class Life Aspirations and their Implications for Transportation Planning in Beijing. School of Community and Regional Planning. Master of Arts, | (2013).|
Regulating Car Ownership Growth in Chinese Mega Cities. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Master of Applied Science, | (2013).|
Understanding Car Pride. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Master of Applied Science, | (2013).|
Seniors' Perceptions Around Driving Cessation: A Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Cultural Perspective. School of Community and Regional Planning. Master of Arts, | (2012).|
Environmental Attitudes and Travel Behavior of Youth. Dept. of Civil Engineering. Master of Applied Science, | (2012).|
A Shrinking Path for Bicycles: A Historical Review of Bicycle Use in Beijing. School of Community and Regional Planning. Master of Arts, | (2012).|
Assessing the Impact of Recent Fare Policy Changes on Public Transport Demand in London. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2011).|
Automatic Data for Applied Railway Management: Passenger Demand, Service Quality Measurement, and Tactical Planning on the London Overground Network. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2010).|
Does Energy Follow Urban Form? An Examination of Neighborhoods and Transport Energy Use in Jinan, China. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning. Master of City Planning, Master of Science in Transportation, | (2010).|
Customer Loyalty in the Public Transportation Context. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Master of Science in Transportation, | (2010).