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Shuman D, Abdelhalim A, Stewart AF, Campbell K, Patel M, de Madariaga IS, et al. Can Mobility of Care be Identified from Transit Fare Card Data? A Case Study in Washington D.C. Findings. 2023.
Rodriguez J, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. Cooperative Bus Holding and Stop-skipping: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2023;155.
Xiaotong Guo, Qu A, Hongmou Zhang, Peyman Noursalehi, Jinhua Zhao. Dissolving the Segmentation of a Shared Mobility Market: A Framework and Four Market Structure Designs. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2023;157.
Caros NS, Jinhua Zhao. Evaluating the travel impacts of a shared mobility system for remote workers. Transportation Research Part D. 2023.
Yunhan Zheng, Caros NS, Aloisi J, Jinhua Zhao. Examining the interactions between working from home, travel behavior and change in car ownership due to the impact of COVID-19. Travel Behaviour and Society. 2023;33.
Yunhan Zheng, Qingyi Wang, Zhuang D, Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. Fairness-enhancing deep learning for ride-hailing demand prediction. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems . 2023;4.
Yunhan Zheng, Meredith-Karam P, Anson Stewart, Hui Kong, Jinhua Zhao. Impacts of congestion pricing on ride-hailing ridership: Evidence from Chicago. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2023.
Huang Y, Abdelhalim A, Anson Stewart, Jinhua Zhao, Haris Koutsopoulos. Reconstructing Transit Vehicle Trajectory Using High-Resolution GPS Data. 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2023.
Baichuan Mo, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, Shen Z-, Jinhua Zhao. Robust Path Recommendations During Public Transit Disruptions Under Demand Uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 2023.
Zhuang D, Bu Y, Wang G, Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. SAUC: Sparsity-Aware Uncertainty Calibration for Spatiotemporal Prediction with Graph Neural Networks. Temporal Graph Learning Workshop @ NeurIPS 2023. 2023.
Wang Z, Zhuang D, Li Y, Jinhua Zhao, Sun P, Shenhao Wang, et al. ST-GIN: An Uncertainty Quantification Approach in Traffic Data Imputation with Spatio-temporal Graph Attention and Bidirectional Recurrent United Neural Networks. 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2023.
Saidi S, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, Wilson NH, Jinhua Zhao. Train following model for urban rail transit performance analysis. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2023;148.
Xiaotong Guo, Haupt A, Wang H, Qadri R, Jinhua Zhao. Understanding multi-homing and switching by platform drivers. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 2023;154.
