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Carrots and Sticks in Green Moves: Assessing the Mobility, Environmental, Economic, and Social Impacts of Sustainable Mobility Solutions. Vol PhD.; 2024.
Deep hybrid model with satellite imagery: how to combine demand modeling and computer vision for travel behavior analysis? Transportation Research Part B. 2024;179.
Effects of electric vehicle charging stations on the economic vitality of local businesses. Nature Communications. 2024.
Impacts of remote work on vehicle miles traveled and transit ridership in the USA. Nature Cities. 2024.
Examining the interactions between working from home, travel behavior and change in car ownership due to the impact of COVID-19. Travel Behaviour and Society. 2023;33.
Fairness-enhancing deep learning for ride-hailing demand prediction. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems . 2023;4.
Impacts of congestion pricing on ride-hailing ridership: Evidence from Chicago. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2023.
Equality of opportunity in travel behavior prediction with deep neural networks and discrete choice models. Vol Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY; 2021.
Equality of opportunity in travel behavior prediction with deep neural networks and discrete choice models. Transportation Research Part C. 2021.
Measuring policy leakage of Beijing’s car ownership restriction. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2021.
User satisfaction and service quality improvement priority of bus rapid transit in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 2021.
Measuring Policy Leakage of Beijing's Car Ownership Restriction in Neighboring Cities. In: Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2020.