
Found 31 results
Filters: Author is Shenhao Wang  [Clear All Filters]
Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. How Risk Preferences Influence the Usage of Autonomous Vehicles. In: Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2018.
Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. Trajectories of Urban Development and Motorization: Clustering 287 Chinese Cities. In: Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 2018.
Shenhao Wang. Automobile Regulations in China Examined from a Behavioral Perspective. Vol Master in City Planning, Master of Science in Transportation. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2017.
Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. Distributional Effects of Lotteries and Auctions —License Plate Regulations in Guangzhou. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2017;106:473-483.
Shenhao Wang, Jinhua Zhao. Risk Attitude in Choosing Between Lottery And Auction In License Plate Regulations.; 2017.
