Title | Evolution of Trip Chaining Complexity in London from 1991 to 2001 to 2010 |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2013 |
Authors | Zhan Zhao, Jinhua Zhao |
Conference Name | 13th World Conference on Transport Research |
Publisher | World Conference on Transport Research Society |
Conference Location | Rio de Janeiro |
Keywords | Discrete choice modelling, London, Mode choice, Travel behaviour, Trip chaining |
Abstract | As people’s socio-economic activities become more complex and connected, it is conjectured that as one of the behavioral indicators, trip chaining--the propensity to link a series of activities into a multi-stop tour, is likely to become more prevalent and complex over time. Using three waves of large-scale household travel surveys, this paper characterized the trip chaining patterns in London, examined their evolution over the past two decades and identified the socioeconomic variables that contributed to the trend. Overall trip chaining complexity in London increased over time. Work-based tours were most complex and school-based tours simplest, while other tours had the most significant increase of complexity. Interestingly, transit-based tours become more complex in a faster pace than car-based tours. Based on a series of discrete choice modelling, it was found that having larger households, full-time employment, being male, and having access to car decrease the propensity for trip chaining, while having children, higher income, traveling in the AM peak, and having driver licenses increase trip chaining. Comparison across years reveals rising household income, diminishing household size, more people with driver license, and senior’s more active participation in trip chaining are among the factors contributed to the increasing complexity. The study results provides useful insights into improving transit service to accommodate the increasing need of trip chaining as well as constraining car use through controlling parking. |
URL | http://www.wctrs-society.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/abstracts/rio/selected/2177.pdf |