Liu Liu
Liu is currently working as an urban planning in China Academy of Urban Planning & Design. His job includes comprehensive plan, strategic plan, urban design, and urban computing. He is interested in bridging physical outcomes with a positive influence on multi-disciplinary value systems behind them. He is particularly interested in how to apply diverse approaches in helping cities evolve through dynamic background such as technical revolution, human behaviors changes, and spatial restructure, especially for the cities from Third World.
One of his recent attentions is focusing on C-IMAGE, a project explores the existence of city identity from habitants’ views to understand how they perceive the physical environment and whether this emotionalized identity exists in visual channels. Through technologies such as crowd souring, image processing, and database skills, Liu collected millions of photographs from Panoramio and Flickr for study, since photos is one of the idealest social media that carries, conveys, and combines such feelings.
See Liu's resume for more information.