Promote Sustainable Travel Behavior through Employer-Based Commute Incentives, Federal Highway Administration

Funding: Federal Highway Administration

Supported by the Federal Highway Administration, Transit Lab works with the MIT administration to launch a new commuter benefits program, AccessMIT, aimed at providing flexible, affordable and low carbon travel options to its staff, students, faculty and visitors.  Read more about the project at MIT News.


A Randomized Controlled Trial in Travel Demand Management, Adam Rosenfield, John Attanucci, and Jinhua Zhao , Transportation, p.1-26, (2019)

This paper presents a trial aimed at reducing parking demand at a large urban employer through an informational campaign and monetary incentives. A 6-week randomized controlled trial was conducted with (N = 2000) employee commuters at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, all of whom frequently drove to campus. Split into four arms of five hundred each, one group received weekly informational emails highlighting MIT’s various new transportation benefits; a second group received monetary...


MST/MCP 2018
Professor of Cities and Transportation