Chicago Transit Authority - MIT Partnership

Funding: Chicago Transit Authority

Urban transportation is rapidly evolving with the introduction of new mobility services, including car sharing, bike sharing, and on-demand taxis and shuttles. These modes may both conflict and complement public transportation. Transit Lab works with Chicago Transit Authority to identify ways in which the new modes can be integrated with public transportation to improve user experience while achieving sustainability.



Yunhan Zheng, Meredith-Karam P, Anson Stewart, Hui Kong, Jinhua Zhao.  2023.  Impacts of congestion pricing on ride-hailing ridership: Evidence from Chicago. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

To combat congestion, promote sustainable forms of transportation, and support the public transit system, Chicago introduced a congestion pricing policy targeting transportation network company (TNC) services on January 6, 2020. This policy aimed to discourage single-occupant and peak-period TNC travel, particularly in high-congestion areas. Using TNC trip record data collected from the Chicago Data Portal, we quantify the impacts of the congestion pricing policy on TNC ridership in Chicago...

Jinhua Zhao, Valerie Webb, Punit Shah.  2014.  Customer Loyalty Differences Between Captive and Choice Transit Riders. Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2415:80–88.

Traditionally, efforts to increase the customer base of public transportation agencies have focused primarily on attracting first-time users. Customer retention, however, has many benefits not often realized. Loyal customers provide recommendations to others, increase and diversify their use of the service, and do not require acquisition costs associated with new customers. An earlier study identified key drivers of customer loyalty, with the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) in Illinois as a...

Jinhua Zhao, Adam Rahbee, Nigel Wilson.  2007.  Estimating a Rail Passenger Trip Origin-Destination Matrix Using Automatic Data Collection Systems. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 22(5):376–387.

Automatic data collection (ADC) systems are becoming increasingly common in transit systems throughout the world. Although these ADC systems are often designed to support specific fairly narrow functions, the resulting data can have wide-ranging application, well beyond their design purpose. This article illustrates the potential that ADC systems can provide transit agencies with new rich data sources at low marginal cost, as well as the critical gap between what ADC systems directly offer...


Jintai Li's picture
MCP/MST 2019
Neema Nassir's picture
Postdoctoral Associate
Amelia Baum's picture
MST Student
Mary Rose Fissinger's picture
PhD 2020
Seamus Joyce-Johnson's picture
MCP/MST Student
Magdalena Misiewicz's picture
MST Student
Anson Stewart's picture
Deputy Director; Research Scientist
Yuhan Tang's picture
MST Student
Muhammad Usama's picture
Research Associate
Changyue Xu's picture
PhD Student
Jinhua Zhao's picture
Professor of Cities and Transportation